Posted by: Arthur337 | March 14, 2009

Rational Irrational

I think I have built a strong reputation among my friends to be the most rational person. Even in the most explosive situation, more so if I’m not directly involved, I am capable of peeling away every layer of emotional baggage and look at it in the most objective and practical perspectives.

However recent turn of events helped me understood the nature of my personal rationality. I am incapable of avoiding myself from entangling into certain situations no matter how clearly the logical mind says otherwise.

I was trapped. And I was shocked. I strive to live my life embracing utmost rational thinking. So how is it possible that I could be rendered helplessly by emotions and impulses?

Perhaps being rational is just knowing and being aware of when our desires or actions are deviating from logical conclusions. Being rational could mean understanding how human biases can be triggered. Instead of attempting to suppress unwanted natural instincts – which is mostly impossible to be done, being rational could mean anticipating and accepting our own decision making flaws and provide room to perform damage control.

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